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Help Us Fight Texas House Bill 3806!




Texas politicians heard your concerns!

HB3806 is NOT moving out of the House Ag & Livestock Committee. The world has some pretty great people in it...all of YOU! Pet owners called, emailed and some drove to Austin to take care of their pets, the pets of others in their community and across Texas. GROUP HUG!

We were told that for many of you this was the first time you’d acted on a proposed bill. You and your friends carved time and left voicemails to make your brief, powerful statement in opposition. The bill’s author, Representative Drew Springer, is considering additional research and possibly commissioning a study. We hope this recent University of Tenn study is sufficient (to save government spending).

Should a future bill that would prevent care for the cats and dogs arise in the future, you can count on us to alert you to ask for HELP for Waco/McLennan County and Texas animals.

If you are curious and want to skip Netflix for a few hours to watch the testimony, (go to 4:53) in the link: .

Over the next couple of months we are reaching out to private, full-service veterinarians in the area to welcome them for tours. We are working to clear misconceptions a small minority of them seem to have about the work of ABC and similar organizations. We refer many patients to them each day. We know that their facility expenses provide diagnoses and treatments that are varied and significant (multi species, too). Sophisticated machinery, complicated medical cases, and massive inventory of medications are just three reasons why prices are different at busy full-service clinics.  


If you support the Animal Birth Control Clinic (and other similar nonprofit, low cost community animal clinics), rescues, or shelters, look up and contact the staff in your Texas Representative’s office to tell your rep to vote NO on House Bill 3806 which is scheduled for a committee hearing on Monday. The bill would prevent licensed veterinarians at low cost, nonprofit clinics like ours from offering basic services to the general public like deworming, nail trims, microchips, flea/tick control, heartworm tests, and heartworm prevention. It proposes that we ONLY be allowed to provide those services to the indigent, which would force us to pry into the sensitive financial information of those who want to use our services.


The Need

Many Texas pet owners in need of affordable preventive care are not on formal government assistance. A few programs in Texas have the process of asking for paycheck stubs, or W-2s with complete strangers. For families that don’t yet understand the benefits of preventive care, being asked if they are indigent becomes a hard “no” barrier. Impact is weak in those communities because so many cats and dogs are missed in the work. Most of the families that community clinics serve don’t go to a full service veterinary clinic with higher rates for basic services they can’t afford. At ABC, we never ask for our clients’ income information. We simply offer low-cost services to ALL.

How to help (choose any or all)

  • Make the phone call(s) to the Austin offices, to Doc Anderson’s office and/or Drew Springer’s office (the bill writer.) It will take 2 minutes and will make a difference when many of us call. If needed, leave a brief voicemail (including that you are speaking against the bill, your name and address).  

  • Contact other members of the committee

  • Share your thoughts with other pet owners about why Animal Birth Control Clinic is matters to you, your pet, family and community.

  • Support the clinic’s work with a donation. This work is quality and helps many. It takes donations to make it happen.

Safer, calmer neighborhoods

As most dogs and cats have experienced preventive veterinary care in Waco/McLennan County, the humans in rural, urban, and suburban areas are safer because animals are calmer and healthier. Neighborhoods are safer without aggressive, unsocialized cats or dogs which haven’t been vaccinated, dewormed, on flea/tick control, heartworm/intestinal parasite control, or spayed/neutered.


Financial benefits

Financial budgets are significantly improved for municipal animal control, shelters, rescues.  Fewer animals are euthanized in shelters because fewer animals enter. Also, many more animals make out of shelters and rescues where clinics like Animal Birth Control Clinic provide services.  


Love of a pet and their family

Animals need these caring families that use clinic’s like ABC. The families want and need their animals. Affordable preventive care is needed for animals to live better, longer lives, where they belong, with their families.


Call (or email) to help stop this appalling bill which could take effect in Texas before the end of the year.


Doc Anderson (local rep for much of McLennan County and on the committee); reach his staff at  512-463-0135

Kyle Kacal (local rep for some of Central Tx); his office staff number is 512-463-0412

Drew Springer (bill author and representative in the Wichita Falls area); office staff 512-463-0526


Spay/Neuter/Microchip Impact for Waco/McLennan County

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Screen Shot 2019-03-30 at 4.30.16 PM.png

Value to Taxpayer Calculation

Estimating 5 animals per litter (or surgery) 69,432 excess cats and dogs are prevented annually. 2019 savings to the community (at 100 per animal) is $6,943,200. The clinic receives zero state or federal government funding.


Statements from Other Clinics:

Text 254-776-7303

Se habla español    

3238 Clay Avenue

Waco Texas 76711






© Animal Birth Control Clinic 2024

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Monday - Friday  7:15am - 5:30pm

(Closed Thursdays 3-4pm for training)



Monday -Friday 7:15am-5:00pm

(Closed Thursday 3-4pm for training) 

Wellness Appointments

Mon - Fri 9am - 2pm

Surgery Patient Check-In

Mon-Fri 7:15am-8:30am


Pick Up  Mon-Fri 4pm-5pm

Trapped Outdoor Cats

Mondays - Thursdays

Waco Animal Guide

Tips and Resources for ALL things cats and dogs in Waco and McLennan County

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